Proper Repair - Questions & Answers
Do all technicians need to be journeymen?
Shops currently accredited with staff considered equivalent to journeyman will continue to be honoured. Shops must have individuals with I-CAR Platinum recognition in the four key roles.
Where can I get more information on tooling recommendations?
See the Light Vehicle Tooling & Equipment page on the MPI Partners website. Contact the Accredited Repair department if you have any questions. In addition, Mitchell TechAdvisor, AllData, and OEM repair standards and procedures can provide info on a per-repair basis. It is essential is that you use the right tools and equipment to complete proper repairs. If you do a repair that requires a specific tool, you need either:
- The right tool
- A plan to access the right tool
- A plan to sublet the work
Why are these tooling and equipment recommendations and training requirements necessary?
Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs) use complex materials, technologies, and repair procedures, which create the need for enhanced tooling, equipment, and training. The recommendations and requirements enable repair shops conduct proper repairs.
Can I sublet work like spot welding?
Yes, you can sublet to an accredited shop any work for which you do not have the right tool to perform a proper repair; however, 80% of the repair work must be done at your shop (see Sublet Repairs).
Various OEMs are looking at adding OEM-only parts policies in lease and warranty agreements – how will this affect processes?
Shops should continue to use the most cost-effective quality parts, and follow MPI Estimating Standards and Parts Rules, which are available on the MPI Partners website. A Parts Program Administrator can help with any enquiries or questions about specific claims.
Why is it mandatory for repair shops to maintain I-CAR Gold Class Professionals designation?
With the increasing use of complex materials, new technologies and updated repair procedures, there is a need for enhanced training. The I-CAR Gold Class Professionals designation helps ensure repair shops can complete proper repairs.
Do all repair shops need a technician with I-CAR Platinum Individual recognition?
Yes, as part of I-CAR Gold Class Professionals designation, it is mandatory that repair shops have I-CAR Platinum Individual designated technician(s) in the key roles of Refinish Technician, Non-Structural Technician, Steel Structural Technician and Estimator.
Do the training requirements apply to all Manitoba repair shops?
MPI's training requirements will apply to all MPI accredited light vehicle repair shops.
Can repair shops sublet repair work if they do not have the recommended tooling and equipment or training required to complete a safe, proper repair?
Work can be sublet, as long as certain conditions are met (see Sublet Repairs).
Repair shops are responsible for the entire repair that they undertake for MPI, and must meet the requirements of a proper repair. Any work undertaken by a third party is still the primary repair shop’s responsibility.
To minimize the impact to customers and avoid inefficient repair procedures, repair shops must substantially complete any work accepted, meaning more than 80% of all the work measured in labour hours is completed by the accepting repair shop, unless another amount has been previously approved by MPI.
Certain makes or models of light vehicles, or specialized repair procedures, may be subject to additional constraints by the OEMs in terms of who is performing the work. Repair shops are responsible for knowing and complying with these OEM repair standards.
How do I register for mandatory training?
Registration processes vary depending on the training provider.
Technicians can log into the I-CAR website to register for I-CAR courses, find information about MPI courses through the MPI Partners website Training tab, and view supplier/OEM training options through those organizations.
How do I find out what training I need?
The training requirements are outlined in Light Vehicle Training Requirements on the MPI Partners website. Repair shops are responsible for confirming they meet all training requirements.
Technicians can log into the I-CAR website to view outstanding I-CAR courses. Information about MPI courses through the MPI Partners website Training tab.
Is the required training available online?
Training is available both online and in class, depending on the type of course.
How does MPI know if a repair shop has completed the required training?
MPI can confirm a shop's I-CAR training status through I-CAR. We also have a record of a shop's participation in Estimating Standards training. Other training is self-reported by shops.
What welding certifications are required?
Every technician performing welding must have a valid I-CAR Welding Certificate that was acquired or renewed within the past five years.
- A non-structural technician must have a valid WCS03 certification.
- A steel-structural technician is required to have a valid WCS03 as a prerequisite for a valid SPS05 certification. Once a SPS05 is obtained, recertification is required every five years for only the SPS05.